Ask Melinda Nationwide Calls
Ask Melinda nationwide calls are like a party line - with mini-classes on metaphysical subjects interspersed with mini-readings for each participant.
This month’s Ask Melinda calls are on Sunday, November 6th at 7:00 p.m. featuring special guest President of the Tarot Guild DAX CARLISLE discussing Tarot and onSunday, November 20th at 7:00 p.m. featuring CATHY SMITH and JAMES STERMOLE co-owners of the Personal Growth School of Hypnotherapy discussing the benefits of Hypnotherapy.
Everyone who calls in will receive a reading!
Listen as others from across the country receive their readings from Melinda and her special guests. November Special: The cost is $11 per person payable through PayPal [email protected]. Once your payment is received, you will receive the dial-in phone number and access code to join the Ask Melinda call.