Attune Magazine Attune Magazine November 2011 | Page 71

are in the cycle of our lives. After the chapters on Birth Card Pairs you will see each Birth Card Pair in color with Astrological Associations, Keywords and Theme. “Calling in the Seven Directions” tells us how to Journey with each card. A Quick Reference Chart with all of the Birth Card Pairs is located in the back of the book. Using the numbers you come up with in your calculations, you can look at this chart for the correct pair. Lined pages that can be used for note taking are located at the very end of the book.

I recommend this book to every tarot reader. Bonnie Cehovet has written a book that is invaluable as a reference.

From the beautiful red cover to the special pages in the back Bonnie has provided us with layers of information with directions and techniques to gain information about ourselves or the Seeker. Each page carries with it Bonnie’s soothing, calm voice and all of the wisdom she has to share. This beautifully written and very easy to understand book will open your eyes to something in the tarot that we can use every time we do a reading for someone.

Mary Nale