When you try to make someone look bad online, you inevitably end up making yourself look bad. Especially if the person you’re bullying is well liked and respected. You will get some attention when you bully but for the most part, people will write you off as someone who really needs to get a life of their own.
Confrontation with a bully is never going to get you anywhere. They feed on this kind of thing and it only inflates their already enlarged ego. If you get bullied online, try to see the humor in someone throwing sticks and stones at you through electronic means. And above all, remember this: a bully is only trying to get what you already have. They crave attention and don’t really care if it’s negative as long as all eyes are on them. Do yourself a favor, forget about them. Let them continue to harass you until you have enough evidence for a law suit. Sue them and take away all that power they thought they had. You may start a trend! Maybe every person who’s been bullied by that person will come forward. I’m not an attorney, this is more fantasy than facts. But wouldn’t it be cool to sue the bully on such a wide scale that they have to hide and never be heard of again?
That’s the ultimate torture for a bully. They need to be seen and heard.
"Taking Out" The Online Bully!
~Facts and Fantasy~
By Mary Nale