The world’s three major religions - Christianity, Jewish and Islam all agree on one thing - Angels. All three religions have stories about Angels in their holy books. Angels appear as God’s Messengers, as Protectors, Guides and as Healers. Numerous books have been written about the Angels - their history, their hierarchy and their messages to us here on Earth.
All of these books written about Angels share one main trait - that Angels are of the Divine Light of God/Goddess and are here to help us. What do you need to do to obtain Angelic help? You call on them to help you whenever you are in need, whether it’s for healing from a disease, help with personal problems, assistance with your children or everyday needs like driving your car. How do you call on an Angel? All you have to do is to ASK for them to help you – it’s an Angel Rule! You can even ask for them by name. The most well-known Angels are the Archangels – Michael (Protection/Strength, Angel of the East), Raphael (Healing, Angel of the West), Gabriel (Messages/Communication, Angel of the North), Uriel (Repentance/Light, Angel of the South), and Metatron (Guide/Scribe of God).
We each have a Guardian Angel to help protect us too during our lifetime. The Guardian Angel is not your Spirit Guide. A Spirit Guide is a being that once lived as a human. Angels have not lived as humans.
Angels Among Us
By Melinda Carver