Attune Magazine Attune Magazine November 2011 | Page 30


When I was growing up the word “taps” was all about the song I sang at the end of my Girl Scout meetings. Now TAPS is a cultural phenomenon that has made talk of ghosts and spirits part of our everyday conversations. As this fascination with the paranormal has exploded across the world it even found its way to a small rural city in Pennsylvania, the city in which I, a ghost hunter, live. Just a few short years ago my explorations of the metaphysical and paranormal were centered on alternative healing practices such as Reiki and Therapeutic Touch and a long time love, the tarot. Then I happened to take an adult continuing education offering at a local college that taught the basics of – you guessed it – ghost hunting! And thus began my dance with the spirits!

Ghost hunting has been romanticized by the media which portrays investigating as a non-stop adventure of thrills and chills.

Jay, Grant, Zak and Ryan are all household names - ghost hunters who take us on adventures into the unknown, helping to prove the existence of life after death in a very dramatic way. I’m here to tell you, however, that the thrills and chills of ghost hunting are modified by the snores and bores of long, dark vigils sometimes held in locations you would never have ventured into before becoming obsessed with the search for spirits!