Attune Magazine Attune Magazine November 2011 | Page 21


Yes, I think it does.

The Law of Attraction, or LOA, is an ancient concept. It is part of Hermes’ Emerald Tablet. It is the concept behind Shakti Gawain’s Creative Visualization, and, more recently, the best-selling book and movie The Secret.

A young Jesse Jackson made a name for himself as he shared it with groups of inner city youth, getting them to chant: “If I can believe it, I can achieve it.”

It is a simple concept, and a valid one.

You must believe in yourself, and visualize your success, in order to be successful.

I learned it as simple magickal theory - “like attracts like.” Whatever energy we put out into the universe is what we will attract to ourselves. These days, sadly, we call it “manifestation” rather than “magick,” but it’s the same thing.

There is even a Fundamentalist Christian version of it, called Prosperity Gospel, where followers are taught that God wants them to have wealth and health. If they live their lives in a way that pleases God, they will receive both in great measure. Transversely, if they are not healthy or wealthy, then clearly they have displeased God.

The Law of Attraction is particularly helpful in reminding us of what not to do. Don’t say “my back is killing me,” for instance, if you are trying to attract health and vigor. Don’t say “what man will want me?” if you are really looking for a great guy. Don’t say “my job is a pain in the neck,” unless you want to endure a painful on-the-job neck injury.

Does the Law of Attraction have a Statute of Limitations?

By: Christiana Gaudet