Speaking from personal experience here!
1.Acknowledge your shadows – once you do this, they lose their power over you.
2.Accept that you can and will be loved for who you are, as you are.
3.Accept that the person who loves you (or wants to love you) is genuinely accepting who you are as a person.
4.Recognize when a thought or behavior is simply a weak trait, and when it is an abusive trait. An abusive trait can come from within – once you recognize it, work to release it. You do not have to accept an abusive trait. This process may be difficult to deal with, as you will be dealing with the person or issue that planted the trait there in the first place. You may need outside help to work your way through this. If you are working with a client on this, you may want to advised them to get professional help, unless you are a certified counselor yourself.
As readers, we can use this advice in two ways. To work on our own relationship issues, so that we don’t subconsciously take them into our readings, and to help our clients accept who they are (as unique individuals), and who their partners/significant others are (as unique individuals).
The following template is one that I developed specifically for this article, The deck used is the “Tarot of the Holy Light”, by Christine Payne-Towler and Michael Dowers (independently published, 2011).
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