He couldn’t walk well enough yet to go inside the mall, so he’d sit in the car and watch people. His intuition was blown wide open so he could hear people’s thoughts. Dannion said that he heard people walking past the car criticizing themselves, berating themselves for not doing this or that better, and just generally disliking themselves and thinking how they didn’t deserve good.
Let’s use this following spell to get ourselves moving out of the darkness and back into the light where we can contact our Angels, spirit guides, and our true selves. Remember Jesus said, “Love thyself as they neighbor.” He didn’t say love yourself instead of your neighbor. Pull out the chariot card. Notice that the charioteer is not driving the chariot by holding on to anything. He is doing it with his mind. The chariot card means that you are moving whether you believe it or not. Are you moving toward a better life or are you moving backwards?
Pull the ace of wands card. Look at this card as a beginning of spiritual ideas in your mind and consciousness. Put the Ace of wands next to the chariot card as if you are saying to the Universe and your higher self, “yes I am ready to move upward and start loving myself!” Pull the Lovers card. Notice the woman looking upward toward the angel, getting direction! Imagine her angel is saying “you are loved dear so begin to believe it. It is your choice to go within to find your own true self or you can always be looking toward the man to make you feel loved.” But what if the man walks away? The person, who is always looking toward another for love will feel empty, cheated, angry. Next pull out the judgment card where the people are arising out of their boxes as the angel calls them. How are you judging yourself? Do you go around all day thinking that you don’t deserve to fulfill your dreams, that the other person is always being promoted or getting raises, or that other people have happier lives than you do?