Take a look at the moon card in the Waite-Smith deck.
See the dog and the wolf howling at the moon? This represents the wild wolf as our untamed thoughts and feelings (the wild out of control ones we can’t seem to get out of our heads) into conscious, tamed ones, where we finally have control. The dog represents this. We do this by disciplining our minds and choosing what we are going to focus on. We decide if we are going to let our thoughts run rampant, making us feel out of control, or if we are motivated enough to take control of our thoughts. Turning a wolf into a dog? That sounds like magic! In a way it is and we do have the potential to do this.
We were given the tools to create what we want in our lives. Remember those tools the fool carries in the pack? Our magician laid the tools out on the table and began working with them. This is how we turn our lives around – by deciding what we want and having the courage to co create what we desire. We have to also accept that there is an untamed, wild part of us that lies deep within. It is attached to our creativity and it’s a good idea to stay in touch with this untamed, animal, ego self. Why? Because acknowledging all parts of ourselves makes us whole. When we push down feelings and emotions that we don’t like, or feel unacceptable, other parts of ourselves get blocked too. This doesn’t mean we run rampant emotionally but to acknowledge and work with all parts of us helps us understand and be more loving to ourselves.