Ritual for this card: sit and meditate and in your mind’s eye, you see a light in the distance. Travel towards that light and become aware of the great Sun, shining so powerfully, you are afraid it might incinerate you. Despite its intensity, you are drawn to the light and power, and sense the Divine Presence within it, ancient and powerful. Suddenly, you feel sweet coolness, like a breeze fanning you. You sense the wings of the Lady Isis around you, offering you protection and assistance. Feel Her loving gaze and Her protection and assistance. She creates a cool barrier between you and the powerful energy of the Sun. She holds before you a large golden plate and you release and place your struggle, concern, question or issue upon it and surrender it to Divine Wisdom. The Lady Isis winks at you, takes the plate and hurls it like a discus into the belly of the Sun where it is consumed. Then allow the Lady to carry you as she whispers words of blessings and peace and reassurance. An incantation completes the card: Winged Mother protects me from the fiercest light, shelters me in cool sanctuary of Her wings in flight, wraps me in safety of Her compassion and peace, as with trust the portal of Initiation I reach, I pass through the portal with trust complete, I now successfully attain this feat.
Though we are invited to ‘Awaken the High Priestess Within’ this card deck can be used by males and females alike. The book has b/w illustrations of the cards, all with creative titles, such as Enter the Chamber of Healing, Lady of the Stars, Serpent of Fire, Temple of Black Obsidian. Each card has a substantial write-up and offers an in-depth understanding of the card, a practical healing ritual and a poetical incantation. We are invited through 'ancient mystery teachings of Isis' to become 'initiated' through our struggle with difficulty and uncertainty to re-activate our soul talents for healing, love and self-mastery. Practical ways are suggested to help us to do this. The author, Alana Fairchild has previously produced the Kuan Yin Oracle and 6 CD’s of meditations. The illustrator, Jimmy Manton has produced artwork for Gods and Titans Oracle, Goddesses and Sirens Oracle and Oracle of the Dragonfae.