Attune Magazine April 2013 1 | Page 54

The Interpretation Booklet gives insights into each card -identified by the card number- in three sections. Perspective; Direction; and Bottom line. For example, Card 35:

Perspective - Passionate romantic involvement with someone who unexpectedly became a lover. Going after easy prey and indulging in erotic connections. Instant attraction and total devotion that makes you merge physically and spiritually. Someone is extremely attracted to you and sexual desire is at its highest potency.

Direction - As above, so below: the flame of passion you are about to experience is a reflection of a spiritual desire to assimilate with another spirit and merge with the divine. Do it with total devotion: You are going to have a clear understanding about living life without holding anything back.

Bottom Line - Impotency turns into full potency. The positive aspects of Sexual involvement will be revealed. Everything you desire is accessible to you.

The Instructions for Consulting with the Cards are simple and straight to the point. Paraphrased - First off, Remember to approach these Kabbalistic sacred names with utmost respect. Only one card should be drawn for a question: no complicated spreads are necessary. Use the booklet to look up your drawn card and find the answer/guidance there. If the answer received is vague or you cannot understand it, or you need to know more, draw a Clarification Card. It's not recommended to ask more than two questions in any consultation session and do not repeat the same question within 14 days or until the circumstances change.