Attune Magazine April 2013 1 | Page 46

Key 18, the Moon symbolizes the feminine, and the Maiden/Mother/Crone triplicity. Key 9 – The Hermit, is a symbol of introspection, and sharing of wisdom. Together these two archetypes make up a Birth Card pair. The theme for this Birth Card pair is finding one’s own truth, and connecting with one’s own self.

The Moon is all about grounding, connection with dreamtime, feminine wisdom, the unconscious, and working with cycles. (How many of you work with the New Moon and the Full Moon, as I do?) There is also a hidden side to the Moon that speaks of illusion, mystery, and a lack of clarity.

The gift that the Moon brings us is the ability to understand secrets, and hidden agendas. The ability that the Moon brings us is the ability to distinguish between reality and illusion. The challenge that the Moon brings us is working our way through doubt and confusion, feeling indecisive, being detached from our emotions, refusing to recognize our shadows, not being willing to dream, or refusing to remember our dreams.

Questions to ask yourself about the Moon’s influence:

1.Am I presenting my authentic self to others?

2.Am I deluding myself in some way?

3.Where am I in the cycle of life?

4.What do I fear?

5.How can I best address my shadows?

6.How is my past intruding on my present?

7.What dreams are coming to me?

8.How can I best express my instinctual nature?

9.Where is the confusion in my life?

10.How can I best work with dreamtime?