Attune Magazine April 2013 1 | Page 16

New Moon Intention Setting

I think people have been using the moon as a planning tool for as long as there have been people and for good reason; it is a reliable measure of time with predictable cycles. Modern day gardeners still plant, cultivate and harvest by moon cycles.

A while back, my friend Jean Maurie told me about a monthly new moon practice she had of setting intentions with the new moon. I think it’s an excellent practice, although I admit I do a better or worse job of keeping that date every month depending on what else is happening at the time. I have noticed over time, though, that the intentions set to ritual have a better chance of coming to fruition.

A large part of what I do for a living is project planning and coaching others on organization and efficient time management. What I do to stay sane and calm is use EFT, Emotional Freedom Technique, or Tapping, on a daily basis to handle stress and maintain objectivity (learn more about tapping here: I thought of combining my project planning skills with EFT and new moon intention setting to help myself plan out how I can achieve some short term goals and keep focused on what I really want versus what I think others think I should want.

Here’s what I do:

Make a list of desires…anything and everything.

Separate the list into 2 columns; column one, things you can influence; column two, things you can’t.

Look over your lists. Does any item listed cause you any distress? Are there any ‘that can never happen’ thoughts surfacing? Note which items cause distress and target them for tapping and/or applying affirmations.