Sensorics Solutions – Key Features
Sensorics Solutions
Customized Interferometry Products
Competitive Edge
At attocube we strive for innovation . Our cutting-edge systems deliver brand-new technologies for tackling some of the hardest challenges . With our fiber-based displacement sensing systems we offer solutions where high precision and versatile applications are needed , e . g . contactless measurements of distances and displacements , the detection of vibration amplitudes of machine components and tools , or the ultra-precise survey of rotationally symmetric parts .
The global trend towards miniaturization causes major challenges for industrial metrology : Quality standards are increasing , requirements on accuracy and reliability are constantly rising , and failure tolerances in production processes are steadily reduced . This imposes unprecedented demands on existing measurement instrumentation : especially in quality assurance and research & development applications , instruments need to provide highest precision , while offering versatile implementation options and the immediate availability of data post-processing , analysis , and storage . At attocube we work hard to make almost anything possible . Customizations are our daily business to offer you the best solution for your application .
Customized to Individual Needs
The existing portfolio of attocubes` sensorics solutions already includes a variety of products like ultra-compact sensor heads ( Ø 1.2 mm ) for the use in very confined spaces ; versions designed for easy alignment or enabling measurements on a wide variety of materials ( glass , aluminum , ceramic etc .). We can offer a wide spectrum of customizations ( e . g . sensor heads , fibers , and targets , but also alternative industrial interfaces ) that open up completely new applications in various fields .
Expert Support |
Smart Engineering |
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In order to provide you the best solution for your needs , we are delighted to offer advice and support by our team of experts and skilled engineers available by phone as well as via remote desktop sessions . We are happy to assist you on projects that may require a little extra assistance . |
‘ Convenience despite complexity ’ – although most of the cutting edge systems are equipped with unprecedented features , we dedicate all of our experience to deliver user-friendly and robust solutions . |
Patented Sensing Technology |
Harsh Environments |
Our award winning and patented fiber-based , high-sensitivity displacement sensors revolutionize the interferometric market . The sensors surpass by far the performance of other presently available interferometry systems in terms of precision and speed . |
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Even harsh environments such as hard radiation or high temperature ( up to 450 ° C ) are possible for your application . |
( c ) 2018 , attocube systems AG - Germany . attocube systems and the logo are trademarks of attocube systems AG . Registered and / or otherwise protected in various countries where attocube systems products are sold or distributed . Other brands and names are the property of their respective owners . |
attocube systems AG | Königinstrasse 11a | D - 80539 München | Germany Tel .: + 49 89 2877 809 - 0 | Fax : + 49 89 2877 809 - 19 | info @ attocube . com www . attocube . com |
Brochure version : 2018 - 01 |