What is the difference between the ANP series and the ECS series ?
• The ECS series is a dedicated industrial series which is bearing based , cost efficient and convinces with a rugged design and high load capacities . The ECS / RT models are made out of aluminum and the ECS /( U ) HV out of stainless steel . The ANP series is more research focused with smaller footprints and a nonmagnetic positioner body out of titanium .
What is meant with " open loop " and " closed loop "?
• The positioners without an encoder are driven in " open loop " - those positioners can only be driven forward or backward without an actual readout of the position . Whereas the positioners with an / NUM or / RES encoder are driven in " closed loop " mode , which means that a feedback loop integrated into the control electronics minimizes the difference between target position and actual position .
What is the difference between NUM and NUM +?
• The NUM + encoder features a reduced thermal dissipation of only 50 mW making it especially suited for / HV and / UHV positioners . The necessary amplifier has been detached from the sensor itself and placed in the connector of the cable outside of the vacuum chamber .
Is the controller included with the purchase of a positioner ? What else do I need ?
• A motion controller is not included with the positioner . attocube ’ s sales engineers help you to find the suitable motion controller as well as cables . Moreover , there are different kinds of accessories like feedthroughs or adapter plates .
What is the difference between the / HV and / UHV positioners ?
• For the / UHV positioners special UHV compatible ( i . e . not outgasing ) materials are used . Moreover , a test in a baked out UHV environment is performed for all UHV positioners to guarantee full functionality usually down to 5x10 -11 mbar . Please note , our ECS series rotators and goniometers are specified for 10 -9 mbar due to a special UHV compatible grease .
What is the temperature range for the positioners ? Are they bakeable ?
• All attocube open loop positioners and all closed loop positioners of the ANP series (/ RES & / RES +) are specified from 0 ° C to 100 ° C ( dedicated low temperature positioners are specified down to the mK range ). ECS positioners with a / NUM encoder work up to a temperature of 50 ° C (/ NUM + up to 55 ° C ). All UHV positioners can be baked out up to 150 ° C .
What is the load capacity in a specific environment or mounting direction ?
• All positioners are specified at ambient conditions . For specific requests please contact attocube ’ s sales engineers .
There is only limited space available for my setup , are there positioners with a comparatively small footprint ?
• Yes , the ANP series positioners all have a relatively small footprint starting at 15 x 15 mm .
What is the difference between accuracy and repeatability ?
• Please refer to the glossary .