attoPUBLICATIONS brochure_nanopositioning-motion_sensing | Page 27

Challenge :
Benefits :
• high stability attocube ´ s solution :


Measurements in Synchrotron Radiation

Challenge :

At large-scale facilities , there are a number of generic nanopositioning tasks to be performed under harsh environments such as ultra-high vacuum or radiation . Undulators are the key assemblies for generating synchrotron radiation in light sources . In order to optimize the resulting photon energy , the magnetic properties of cryogenic undulators need to be characterized precisely at different temperatures by movable Hall probes .

Benefits :

• high size flexibility
• radiation compatibility

• high stability attocube ´ s solution :

attocube ´ s positioners can be combined for multidimensional configurations , and are compatible with variable temperatures , high magnetic fields and radiation . In this particular example , the nanopositioners serve as key elements of the Hall bar bench achieve the necessary accuracy of the Hall-probe orientation relative to the undulator ´ s magnetic axis .