attoPUBLICATIONS brochure_nanopositioning-cyrogenic-instruments | Page 5

Cryogenic Nanopositioners

attocube cryogenic nanopositioners are based on a patented piezo drive mechanism and designed for reliable nanopositioning over centimeter ranges with the highest precision under extreme environmental conditions such as cryogenic temperatures , high magnetic fields , and ultra-high vacuum ( 5 x 10 -11 mbar ).
Special non-magnetic materials like titanium and beryllium copper are used for operation down to mK temperatures . The dimensions of the positioners are designed for typical bore sizes of strong superconducting magnets . Use the product finder on the following page to identify the most suitable model for your requirements .
Extreme Environments
Compact . Precise . Proven performance .
10 4
down to 10 mK low temperatures
up to 35 T magnetic fields
down to 5 x 10 -11 mbar UHV pressure
15x15 mm 2 minimum footprint
down to 1 nm resolution
> 10.000 units installed worldwide
3 Flexible Positioning
linear positioners vertical / horizontal
goniometers Θ & Φ positioning
rotators up to 360 °
stacks multi-axis positioning