Optical Measurements
Application Examples
Dissipation in Optomechanical Resonators
G . D . Cole and M . Aspelmeyer of the University of Vienna ( Austria ) have analyzed the acoustic disspiation of microresonators using a cryogenic interferometry setup . In detail , their system utilizes a 4 He cryostat as sample chamber equipped with a stack of attocube ANPxyz51 positioners for aligning the sample with respect to an optical fiber . The micro-optomechanical resonator showed resonance frequencies of up to 4 MHz and Q-factors of 8000 .
G . D . Cole et al ., 23rd IEEE International Conference on Microelectromechanical Systems , Hong Kong SAR , China , 24-28 January 2010 , TP133
3D g-Factor Mapping of Single Quantum Dots
The group of Richard Phillips at the University of Cambridge ( UK ) used cryogenic nanopositioners of the ANP51 series for their novel fibre-based confocal microscope for magnetophotoluminescence . The design allows them to turn the samples to arbitrary angles of tilt and rotation with respect to a magnetic field of up to 10 T at low temperatures , while maintaining focus on a single quantum dot .
T . Kehoe et al ., Rev . Sci . Instrum . 81 013906 ( 2010 )
Photoluminescence Measurements in Fields up to 28 T
The attocube positioners ANPxyz100 / LT have been used in a setup for optical measurements at the Grenoble High Magnetic Field Laboratory ( France ). The authors reported photoluminescence measurments on a single quantum dot in magnetic fields up to 28 T and were able to observe three pairs of Zeemansplit emission lines related to the recombination of a neutral exciton , a biexciton , and a charged exciton .
A . Babinski et al ., Physica E 26 , 190 ( 2005 )