Optical Measurements
Application Examples
Single Photon Generation with Controlled Polarization from InGaN Quantum Dots
The research group led by Robert Taylor ( University of Oxford , UK ) has successfully generated single photons with polarized light emission and predefined polarization axis at temperatures spanning from around 5 K to above 200 K using InGaN quantum dots . By using attocube cryogenic nanopositioners inside the optical cryostat attoDRY800 , temperature sweeps between 5 K and 300 K were easily possible .
T . Wang et al ., Nanoscale 9 , 9421 ( 2017 ) T . Wang et al ., Nanophotonics 6 , 1175 ( 2017 ) T . Wang et al ., Phys . Status Solidi B 254 , 1600724 ( 2017 )
Raman Measurements on 2D Materials at 2 K
Based on the reliability of attocube nanopositioners the groups of Nathaniel Stern and Vinayak Dravid at Northwestern University , USA used a film of monolayer MoS 2 to present a new in-situ electrical biasing technique with transmission electron microscopy . They found that net vacancy flux towards the grain boundaries occurs with an applied electric field .
A . A . Murthy et al ., ACS Nano 14 , 1569 ( 2020 )
A Quantum Network Node and Register Based on Silicon Vacancies in Diamond
The realization of a quantum network node is a fundamental requirement for a future quantum network or even quantum internet . At Havard University ( USA ) the groups of Marko Loncar and Mikhail Lukin presented an elementary quantum network node based on a silicon vacancy color center inside a diamond nanocavity . The mm sized travel range with nm resolution of ANP positioners as well as the cryogenic objective are fundamental building blocks in their home-built mK microscope .
C . T . Nguyen et al , Phys . Rev . B 100 , 165428 ( 2019 )