SPM Measurements
Application Examples
SPM using attocube Nanopositioners in Magnetic Fields above 30 T
In an outstanding setup , Benjamin Bryant and Lisa Rossi together with the SPM group of Alex Khajetoorians ( Radboud University , Netherlands ), designed a high field scanning probe microscope for operation at cryogenic temperatures and in extreme magnetic fields up to 38 T . An ANPz30 nanopositioner controls the coarse approach of an atomic force microscope cantilever to a scanned sample . Due to the compactness and rigid design of the positioner , the sensitivity to vibrational noise is reduced , which is critical for SPM in the extreme environment of the Bitter magnet .
L . Rossi et al ., Rev . Sci . Instrum . 89 , 113706 ( 2018 )
Scanning Hall Probe Microscopy at 300 mK with ANP Positioners
Magnetic properties of superconducting and ferro magnetic materials at ultra-low temperatures represent some of the most interesting contemporary problems in condensed matter physics . These properties are typically investiga ted using a magnetic force microscope or a scanning Hall probe microscope ( SHPM ). Such a SHPM was built by the group of Simon Bending ( University of Bath , UK ) with submicron lateral resolution and a large scanning range .
V . V . Khotkevych et al ., Rev . Sci . Instrum . 79 , 123708 ( 2008 )
Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Nanoscale Virus at 300 mK
Christian Degen ( now at ETH Zurich , Switzerland ), Martino Poggio ( now at University of Basel , Switzerland ) and the group of Daniel Rugar at IBM Almaden ( USA ) demonstrated improvement of magneticresonance-force-microscopy imaging resolution to length scales of a few nanometers , representing a 100-million fold increase in volume resolution over conventional MRI . In the setup used for these ground-breaking experiments , two attocube ANPx51 positioners played the crucial role of coarse positioning the sample over the nanoscale magnetic tip .
C . L . Degen et al ., PNAS 106 , 1313 ( 2009 )