attoPUBLICATIONS brochure_nanopositioning-cyrogenic-instruments | Page 22

Transport Measurements Application Examples

Transport Measurements Application Examples

Angle-dependent Characterizations of Materials at mK Temperatures
The group of Anne de Visser at the Van der Waals - Zeeman Institute ( University of Amsterdam , Netherlands ) used attocubes rotators and benefitted from the “ quasi rotation ” of a 1D magnet in two different approaches – rotating a small sample within limited space with an ANR51 and rotating a dilatometer inside a dilution cryostat by using an ANRv220 .
Y . Pan et al ., Sci . Rep . 6 , 28632 ( 2016 ) A . M . Nikitin et al ., Phys . Rev . B 95 , 115151 ( 2017 )
Transition from Slow Abrikosov to Fast Moving Josephson Vortices
Cutting-edge application using the ANR31 rotator : The group of Bertram Batlogg ( ETH Zurich , Switzerland ) observed the formation of fast moving Josephson vortices , which depends critically on the angular alignment . Using an ANR31 , they were able to rotate the sample below 2 K with better than 0.1 ° precision and could observe no drifts while sweeping temperature and magnetic field .
P . J . W . Moll et al ., Nature Mater . 12 , 134 ( 2013 )
Cryogenic Angle-dependent Magnetoresistance Measurement
Christian Butschkow and co-workers from the group of Dieter Weiss ( University of Regensburg , Germany ) measured magnetotransport on individual GaAs /( Ga , Mn ) As core-shell nanowires . An atto3DR allowed them to align the nanowires exactly to the 1D magnetic field . Their results showed the resistance anisotropy being dominated by the effective magnetic field and a relation between the origin of the NMR and the spin scattering .
C . Butschkow et al ., Phys . Rev . B 87 , 245303 ( 2013 )
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