attoPUBLICATIONS brochure_nanopositioning-cyrogenic-instruments | Page 21

Transport Measurements
Application Examples

Transport Measurements

Application Examples

Angle-dependent Transport Measurements at 40 mK
Based on the smallest attocube rotator – ANR30 / LT - a rotation stage for angle-dependent transport measurements in magnetic fields up to 33 T and temperatures down to 40 mK was built at the user facility of the High Field Magnet Laboratory in Nijme gen ( Netherlands ). The mixing chamber of the commercially available dilution refrigerator from Leiden Cryogenics offers only a limited space of 17 mm in diameter .
U . Zeitler , High Field Magnet Laboratory , Nijmegen , Netherlands
Van der Waals Heterostructure under Rotation at 40 mK
An international collaboration ( Berkeley , Stanford , Shanghai , Tsukuba , Seoul ) reported signatures of tunable superconductivity in van der Waals heterostructures , detected via a sharp drop in the resistivity and a plateau in the I-V curve below 1 K . For in-plane measurements , the atto3DR double sample rotator was used , which conveniently allows for using the full field of a single solenoid in an arbitrary orientation .
G . Chen et al ., Nature 572 , 215 ( 2019 )
Rotating Transport Measurement Setup at 25 mK
When designing a setup for mK applications material choice and thermalization are crucial . At Peking University ( Beijing , China ), Pengjie Wang from Xi Lin group has chosen the ULT version of the ANR101 positioner with resistive readout to realize their low-electron-temperature sample rotation system for transport measurements inside a dilution refrigerator . The deteced elelectron temperature in the setup was measured to be 25 mK .
P . Wang et al ., Rev . Sci . Instrum . 90 , 023905 ( 2019 )