LATAM : Foreign Investors Survey 2017 ttitude Consulting
Greater Attractions
Panama Canal , Colon Free Zone ( Free Zone offers many jobs for foreigners and nationals ).
Political Risks ?
Stable democracy . Good promotion of foreign investments .
Adequate Labor Laws ?
Attractive . Foreigners can acquire a permanent residence and work permits according to the investments made in the country .
Adequate Transparency and Corruption Framework ?
Appropriate framework , with anti-corruption laws and regulations and treaties protecting the stability of the investment . Rules to protect foreign investment and provide benefits ( Multinational Corporations , Trade Zones , etc .).
Suitable Fiscal Framework for Foreign Investment ?
Suitable . Fixed and comprehensive laws . Tax exemptions , tax agreements for the consolidation of profits and payments . Tax incentives on reforestation , hydrocarbons , tourism , Export processing zones , Call Centers , Restoration of the Old Town , etc .
Proper Framework for Promotion and Mutual Investment Protection ?
Yes . Several standards such as Law 54 of 1998 : Legal Stability of Investments and they are applied by special economic areas such as the Panama Pacific Area or the special regime of Multinational Corporations . Agreements with Germany , Argentina , Republic of Korea , Cuba , Chile , Spain , USA , Finland , France , Italy , Mexico , etc .
Advantages of Your country over Others in the Zone
Geographical location , access by land , sea and air ; tropical climate all year round , free of natural disasters . Open service economy , trained human resources , dollar as legal tender , an international financial center , world class communications platform , economic , political and social stability .
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Positive Medium Risk Negative