LATAM : Foreign Investors Survey 2017 ttitude Consulting
Greater Attractions
Tourism , infrastructure ( including oil , gas , electricity ), manufacturing areas , including automotive and auto parts .
Political Risks ?
Rights of local and foreign investors are respected . Drug trafficking , corruption and the Teachers Union affect free trade of goods in the south / Pacific and north .
Adequate Labor Laws ?
Increased competitiveness in the areas of processing and services thanks to structural reforms in labor matters .
Adequate Transparency and Corruption Framework ?
Sufficiently broad legal framework of transparency and anti-corruption . Member of the OCDE . Now work remains to eradicate it .
Suitable Fiscal Framework for Foreign Investment ?
Suitable transparent fiscal framework for foreign investment .
Proper Framework for Promotion and Mutual Investment Protection ?
Yes . They also have treaties governing the reciprocal protection of investments .
Advantages of Your country over Others in the Zone
Neighborly relations with the US in NAFTA : provides a platform for investment in local projects and export to the US . 80 % of international trade is with the US .
25 www . attitude-consulting . com
Positive Medium Risk Negative