LATAM : Foreign Investors Survey 2017 ttitude Consulting
Greater Attractions
Abundant workforce , proactive and laborious , strategic location to reach the United States , Mexico and Central America . Trade agreements with US , Mexico , Chile , Colombia and Association Agreement with the EU . Dollarized economy .
Political Risks ?
They exist like in all the other Latin American countries .
Adequate Labor Laws ?
Attractive and stable . No change in recent years .
Adequate Transparency and Corruption Framework ?
Attractive frame . The state actively combats corruption .
Suitable Fiscal Framework for Foreign Investment ?
Yes , with written rules , but there is room to further encourage strategic investments : energy , technology , aeronautics ...
Proper Framework for Promotion and Mutual Investment Protection ?
Yes , but there is room for improvement , especially in the law of legal stability of investments .
Advantages of Your country over Others in the Zone
A lot of opportunities . No barriers to foreign investment . Dollarized economy , clear requirements to enter regulated markets ( energy , telecommunications and banking ). Ideal geographical position , strategically located ports and airports .
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