Attitude Consulting Survey LATAM | Page 17

LATAM : Foreign Investors Survey 2017 ttitude Consulting


Greater Attractions
Regulated , transparent and competitive market . Very stable state law . Respect and protection of private property . Safe place to invest for international agencies . Highly specialized and trained human resource . Highly technological country , the Latin American country best prepared electronically .
Political Risks ?
In process of legislative reforms ( especially tax ), but with political consensus on macroeconomic politics and respect for foreign investments , protected and encouraged by institutional policies .
Adequate Labor Laws ?
Very strict worker legislation and guarantor , but very clear and well-regulated . High level of certainty about its operation .
Adequate Transparency and Corruption Framework ?
Member of the OECD ( adopts its policies ) and the Inter-American Convention against Corruption and the UN Convention against Corruption . Pro institutional transparency and anti-corruption framework ( constitutional standards , probity protection laws , control of the financing of political campaigns , access to public information , etc .).
Suitable Fiscal Framework for Foreign Investment ?
Law No . 20.848 for investments above USD 5,000,000 sets the framework for foreign direct investment in Chile . There exists the Committee of Ministers for the Development and Promotion of Foreign Investment and Promotion Agency of Foreign Investment .
Proper Framework for Promotion and Mutual Investment Protection ?
Yes , important role of the Agency for Promotion of Foreign Investment . Foreign investor rights guaranteed in Law No . 20.848 ( building strategies that facilitate collaboration between foreign investors and domestic companies ). Signed numerous international treaties .
Advantages of Your country over Others in the Zone
Macroeconomic stability ( solid and highly specialized Central Bank ), pro institutional transparency and anti-corruption , constitutional respect for private property , trade agreements with 60 countries .
Positive Medium Risk Negative www . attitude-consulting . com 16