LATAM : Foreign Investors Survey 2017 ttitude Consulting
Greater Attractions
GDP : + 5 % per year for 10 years . Stable growth of all industries but greater opportunities in construction , hospitality , transportation , agribusiness , insurance , telecommunications , energy and food . Hydrocarbons and mining : interesting but have been affected by the international crisis .
Political Risks ?
There is great state pressure on the regulated sectors ( hydrocarbons , telecommunications , energy , mining , transport , insurance , banking , basic services ). Less political risks for non-regulated sectors .
Adequate Labor Laws ?
It benefits the worker more than the employer . Rigid principles that , for example , ensure the worker ’ s immobility and an indefinite employment relationship is presumed . Also , outsourced services are prohibited when they relate to the subject of society .
Adequate Transparency and Corruption Framework ?
Yes , Law 004 Marcelo Quiroga Santa Cruz prohibits corruption activities at the public and private levels - and ensures transparency in transactions .
Suitable Fiscal Framework for Foreign Investment ?
Yes , there is a tax regime in force since 2003 that , compared to other countries in the region , can be very attractive . VAT : 13 %. Corporate Income Tax : 25 %.
Proper Framework for Promotion and Mutual Investment Protection ?
Investment Law ( 2015 ) for local and foreign investment . Incentives in favor of the investment for sectors that the State considers strategic . Freedom of change ( without restrictions for the entry and exit of capital , nor for the remittance abroad of dividends , interests and royalties for technology transfer and / or other commercial concepts ).
Advantages of Your country over Others in the Zone
Freedom of change ( without restrictions for the entry and exit of capital , nor for the remittance abroad of dividends , interests and royalties for technology transfer and / or other commercial concepts ).
Positive Medium Risk Negative www . attitude-consulting . com 14