ATMS Journal Winter 2021 (Public Version) | Page 2

While skin-deep western medicine merely dabs at the surface , ThisHerb Eczema Free goes direct to the root cause to remove metabolic wastes and toxins caused by liver qi stagnation . Wholly natural active ingredients also promote bile flow , clear damp heat , free bowel movement and lessen abdominal bloating . All of which is reflected in a fresh , clear , moisturized complexion . In the treatment of eczema , it ’ s a better way .
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This advertisement is available only to ATMS Accredited Members in accordance with the Therapeutic Goods Advertising Code .

Hormones in upheaval , eight out of ten women experience dramatic physical and emotional side-effects during menopause . ThisHerb Anti-Meno capsules combine modern pharma-tech with the ancient Chinese herbs ’ formula , to boost the liver and replenish the kidneys and heart then help lessen the major symptoms . Wholly natural Anti Meno capsules are 100 % herbal , vegan and gluten-free . To relieve the debilitating symptoms of menopause , they ’ re a better way .
Proudly distributed by Thisherb . It becomes the Well - known cardiovascular health recommended by physicians . It improves circulation and blood flow , lowers total cholesterol reduces plaque formation and improves the risk of thrombosis .
Always read the label and consult your healthcare practitioner if symptoms persist .