ATMS Journal Winter 2021 (Public Version) | Page 19

ARTICLE overwhelming nature of natural disasters can be devastating , destabilising , and distressing . 1
Climate change can seriously compromise public health . 19 The links between the effects of climate change ( e . g . fires , 19 droughts , 19 , 22 heatwaves , 19 heat stress , 22 storms , 22 floods , 19 , 22 ocean acidification , 19 air and particulate pollution 19 , 22 ) and health are numerous and strong . The effects of climate change on health include cardiovascular diseases , 19 respiratory diseases , 19 mental health , 22 mental health of children , 23 depression , anxiety , sleep disorders , post-traumatic stress , 23 gastrointestinal diseases , 19 gastrointestinal infections , 24 hepatitis , 24 financial issues and poverty , 19 violent conflicts , 19 food insecurity , 22 , 24 and limitations on access to adequate nutrition resulting in
19 , 22 , 24 undernutrition .
Coronaviruses are enveloped viruses
10 , 25
with a single-stranded RNA genome . They can cause diseases in humans that may extend from the common cold to more severe respiratory diseases . 10 Coronavirus disease 2019 ( COVID-19 ; severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus ( SARS‐CoV-2 )) started with an unusual outbreak in December 2019 . 25-29 It quickly spread into a worldwide pandemic . 25-27 The World Health Organization ( WHO ) declared an international public health emergency on 30 January 2020 . 27 COVID-19 is a global public health issue 28 and greatly affects society and healthcare systems . 30 Some of the symptoms of COVID-19 include cough , 8 , 29 non-productive cough , 25 sore throat , 8 fever , 8 , 25 , 29 lack or loss of smell and taste , 29 breathlessness , 8 difficulty breathing , 25 low blood oxygen saturation levels , 29 fatigue , 8 , 25 myalgia , 8 , 25 and cardiovascular damage . 26 Increased
rates of depression , anxiety , traumatic stress disorder , reduced quality of life , and insomnia have been associated with COVID-19 . 29 Additionally , patients with COVID‐19 also exhibited neurological signs , such as neuroinflammation , 29 headache , 25 , 29 , 31 enteric diseases , 31 nausea , and vomiting . 31 The inflammatory and immune responses to SARS-CoV-2 result in immune system changes and cytokine storm , enhancing and increasing lung injury and central nervous system complications , including inflammation and fibrosis . 29 Complications of COVID-19 are observed in older people with underlying neurological conditions like stroke , cognitive impairment , Alzheimer ’ s disease , and Parkinson ’ s disease . 29 The COVID-19 pandemic continues to pose a physical , psychological , and social threat to Australians . 3

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