and have coverage
• accompanying the insurance carrier
during safety inspections to ensure
recommendations are reasonable
and to assist with the best cost-
effective solution
• providing services that the
insurance carrier does not provide
These are just some of the Value-Added
Services, and there are much more.
Atlas Insurance Agency’s Risk Control and Claims Management Team
program of one or more policies that
serve to mitigate the financial loss of
claims. Based on my personal experience,
both entities play an important role.
Both usually provide risk/loss control
and claims management services, but
there are differences that should be
recognized by the client.
While working for an insurance carrier,
my priority was to ensure losses did not
exceed premiums. Much of the services
provided were focused on prevention of
losses, loss trend focus, and mitigating
claim costs. This is why insurance
carriers will always make losses a
priority and will even make mandatory
recommendations to clients to ensure
action is taken to prevent, control, and
reduce losses. The bottom line: this
should be the ultimate goal for the client,
insurance carrier, and insurance agency!
However, it would be difficult for a client
to obtain anything outside of this core
service from an insurance carrier. This is
where insurance agencies have learned to
provide Value-Added Services—services
that are outside the normal core service
criteria. Also keep in mind, not all
insurance agencies provide these Value-
Added Services, but Atlas Insurance
Agency has made it a priority and a part
of our business strategy for the past
18 years. So much so that we have the
largest consulting group on staff than
any other insurance agency in the state
of Hawaii.
Valued Added-Services address unique
issues and provide benefits that core
services cannot. It’s really putting
together a customized package for
the client to address/control losses
but to also meet other client needs
and expectations. These Value-Added
Services are deeply rooted in something
that every client should receive from
their insurance agency. It’s called Client
Advocacy. Basically, it’s having the client’s
back at all times.
This is why Value-Added Services are
an important consideration when
selecting an insurance agency or broker.
By selecting the right agency, it will
allow the client to be more flexible when
selecting their insurance carrier(s). So, no
matter what insurance carrier you select,
you will take comfort in knowing that
your insurance agency has those services
and more.
Have the Atlas Insurance Agency team
of experts by your side, as an advocate
to ensure your business is protected and
representing you at all times. We’ve got
your back! +
It means:
providing support and guidance
when an OSHA/HIOSH inspector
walks onto your property
• accompanying a client to an OSHA/
HIOSH informal conference to help
reduce and mitigate their penalties
and fines
• being able to discuss confidential
risk/exposures without fear of
insurance premiums going up
• managing the claims process to
ensure claims are being adequately
reserved and adjusted, and having an
aggressive plan to close each claim
• responding when catastrophic or
serious claim types occur and being
there to ensure you are represented
Vince Miyoi is Senior Vice President of
Organizational Management. Prior to leading
the current development and execution of
Atlas’ comprehensive strategic organizational
development program, Vince gained 15+
years of experience in Risk Management and
Claims Consulting Services. In that time,
Vince developed, implemented, and managed
Atlas’ value-added services (Risk & Claims
Consulting), which has gained respect in the
insurance industry for being the best at client
services with a 96 percent client retention rate.