ATL ARCHIVED February 2016 | Page 18

Forsyth MARKET ACTION REPORT February 2016 Agent Name County: Forsyth MARKET ACTION REPORT Title Phone Name Agent Website Title Other Phone County: Forsyth Community Information | School District Price Range: $1,000,000 and Up | Properties: SFH - Condo Website Trending versus*: Other Price Range: $1,000,000 and& Up Trends | Properties: SFH - Condo Market Profile Overview Month $1,450,000 $1,547,076 Month $1,032,500 $1,450,000 $1,032,500 $1,547,076 41 $1,032,500 $1,032,5002 155 41 20.5 2 97.3% 155 Median List Price of all Current Listings Average List Price of& allTrends Current Listings Market Profile Overview February Median Sales Price Listings Median List Price of all Current February Average Sales Price Listings Average List Price of all Current Total Properties for Sale (Inventory) February Median Currently Sales Price February Number of Properties Sold February Average Sales Price February Average Days onfor Market (Solds) Total Properties Currently Sale (Inventory) February Month's Supply of Inventory February Number of Properties Sold FebruaryAverage Sale Price vs List Price Ratio February Days on Market (Solds) LM L3M PYM Trending versus*: -3% 14% -5% LM -3% -5% 11% 11% 1% L3M PYM -5% -7% Trending versus*: LY YTD Prior YTD Prior Year Trending versus*: LY 14% -10% 1% -22% -5% -15% -10% -7% -22% -9% -15% 21% -20% -20% 4.4% -9% February 2016 10.1% 21% YTD $1,032,500 $1,032,500 $1,032,500 2 $1,032,500 155 20.52 97.2% 155 Prior YTD -32% Prior Year -10% -32% 0% -32% -10% -32% 45% -11% 0% 51.0% 45% * LM=Last Month / L3M=Last 3 Months / PYM=Same Month Prior Year / LY=Last Year (2015) / YTD = Year-to-date | Arrows indicate if Month / YTD values are higher (up), lower (down) or unchanged (flat) 20.5 97.3% February Month's 7Wǒ