atHOME Victoria Issue 1 Feb. 2015 | Page 61

hen it was time to accessorize the condo! The letters presented themselves and with just a simple coat of black paint, became a strong and interesting detail for the end wall. The fantastic blue bicycle was her mode of transportation, which we only discovered as she rode up late for a meeting. The great colour and style of the bike was brilliant and when she complained that she didn’t feel comfortable leaving it in the garage, we assured her it was a perfect combination of design and function. It’s fantastic, layered in front of the letters on the back wall. T All that was left now was some art over the sofa and throw cushions. We suggested she go out to a local fabric store where she could find remnants in her favorite colours. Each cushion required only half a yard of fabric and at six to ten dollars a yard, the cushions were a perfect addition to the space and the budget. The art, which can be an expensive part of the design, were the client’s choosing. She was able to photo shop the images to various sizes and have them printed. A quick trip to a big box store for black frames in allowed for the collage. Each image means something to her and reveals a little of her personality in each selection. Without breaking the bank, the homeowner’s personality and style are perfectly revealed in this space. It was a leap of faith for her as the process couldn’t be designed exactly but more found along the way. On this occasion the destination was well worth the journey. AH FOR SMALL SPACE DESIGN INSPIRATION check out for how-to articles and decor ideos. atHOME Victoria