atHOME Victoria Issue 1 Feb. 2015 | Page 32

Cook the fresh pappardelle pasta strips in heavily salted, rapidly boiling water for TWO minutes. Drain pasta but reserve one cup of pasta water. METHOD: Add cooked pasta to the frying pan, along with a splash or two of cooking water. Grate in some grano padano and shake the pan to well mix all ingredients. SAUCE FROM SCRATCH • • • • • • • • • • • 1 large butternut squash 20 large clean sage leaves Pinch crushes chili 3 cloves peeled garlic, sliced 10 crushed chestnuts, roasted and peeled 1 white onion, finely sliced Canola oil Large pinch Vancouver Island sea salt 1 cup reserved pasta cooking water Fresh made pappardelle pasta (recipe above) Grano Padano cheese INGREDIENTS: Serve family style with the crispy sage on top and a chunk of grano padano for self-serve grating. Cut the butternut squash in half, season with salt and olive oil and place in the oven to roast until soft, about sixty minutes. Once cooked, remove seeds and skin. METHOD: In preparation for the pasta you just made, put a large pot of heavily salted water on to boil. In a large frying pan, sweat onion, garlic and chili flakes in olive oil with a pinch of salt, until soft. Add in the roasted butternut squash and chestnuts. In a small sauce pan, deep fry the sage in canola oil, drain on paper towel and season generously with salt. Tip: Sage can be done a few hours ahead of time but don’t refrigerate. “Making your own pasta can feel daunting – perhaps even more so than baking your own bread. In both cases, though, the end product is usually of better quality than anything you can get in the supermarkets. And even if it isn’t quite there at the beginning, the pride you will feel over having made it yourself always makes the whole thing worth it anyway.” -Jamie Oliver 30