AST September 2019 Magazine Sept 2019 Magazine | Page 29

The survey found that 56% of gov- ernment IT professionals believe that careless and untrained in- siders are primary sources of security threats at federal agen- cies, with external threats com- ing in at a close second. improving IT September security 2019 at your agen- - Edition 37 cy?” an overwhelming number of respondents surveyed agreed that budget restrictions have de- clined by 25%, yet the complex- ity of internal IT environments has increased by 21% since 2014. Perhaps unsurprisingly, 42% of re- Despite these headwinds, federal spondents note that their ability IT professionals are encumbered to prevent threats is a constant by obstacles that prevent them battle. from adequately addressing Let’s dig a little deeper into what’s these risks. driving these statistics and how When asked “what is the most sig- agencies can overcome their cy- nificant obstacle to managing or bersecurity challenges. Courtesy of SolarWinds 27