AST September 2018 'ASTORS' Showcase Edition Sep 2018 Final (9.18.18) | Page 29

traffic transaction) with cre- Volume (per 27 dentials presented (biometrics, RFID cards, etc.). For example tailgaters and piggybackers are singled out to be addressed by security staff. of engineered pedestrian en- September 2018 Edition trance control and therefore well addresses the second con- cept of physical security design. Delay. In a security revolving door or se cu- If an attack or breach is in prog- rity portal the detection is often over- ress, security professionals want head but still detects and manages to delay the situation to allow for the traffic passing through. security response to the situa- This detection is a key feature tion. Optical turnstiles are designed with a system using electronic beams and infra-red arrays to detect and manage authorized traffic – while alerting to unauthorized users (tailgaters-piggybackers). (Courtesy of Automatic Systems America) 27