AST September 2018 'ASTORS' Showcase Edition Sep 2018 Final (9.18.18) | Page 5
of raiders
known as the
Gutians, who would attack
soft targets like farms and
trade routes before vanishing
back among the populace.
September 2018 Edition
Then, there is the biblical tale
of David, the small shepherd
armed only with a sling and a
stone, facing off against the
massive, heavily armored
and weaponed Goliath.
Spartan King Leonidas vs Persian’s King Xerxes
And, we all know how that story ends.
Other Western countries such as the United
Kingdom, France, Australia, Germany and Swe-
Ironically, the United States — which was den are finding themselves in the same unen-
once David in its war for independence viable position.
against the Goliath of Britain — today The methods haven’t changed much since
finds itself in the role of the stronger side ancient times.
trying to defend itself from the weaker
forces of radical Islamic terrorist groups. The enemy is able to blend in with the pop-
ulation, allowing it to attack from hiding
And, it’s not the only nation so bedeviled. and then disappear.
It uses unconventional weap-
ons in short operations, forc-
ing a massive, slow-moving
apparatus of military, trans-
portation, police and other
agencies to try to quickly
David vs Goliath
And, it’s using the “terrain”
of an open, free society as
a weapon, to attack our soft
targets of public side- 3