AST Oct/Nov Digital Magazine 8 | Page 45

Volume 8 end trusted identity programs offering full credential lifecycle management through the combination of registration, identity authentication, background screening, credentialing and identity proofing for government, private enterprise and individuals including contractors, vendors and other authorized personnel. SureID’s RAPIDGate® program provides an enterprise-wide, single-credential high assurance identity for the U.S. Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard and Army installations across the country. More than 201,000 RAPIDGate PIV-I credentials have been issued since 2014. Good luck to SureID on becoming a Winner of the American Security Today’s Homeland Security Awards Program! Would you like to advertise in our next digital magazine addition? Contact our lead Ad rep at [email protected] or call 646.450.6027 Oct/Nov 2016 Edition DOJ Awards $6.3M to Support Law Enforce & Communities Public safety relies on community partnerships, innovative technology, problem solving and research-based policing policies and practices (Photo Credit: Emile Wamsteker) The Justice Department’s National Institute of Justice (NIJ) has dedicated nine awards to eight institutions and organizations for research and evaluation projects to identify meaningful solutions to support law enforcement investigations and help law enforcement agencies and communities strengthen mutual trust and collaboration. These investments are part of NIJ’s strategic research plan, which supports the recommendations of the President’s Task Force on 21st Century Policing, to advance law enforcement technology, improve policing practices, promote police-community engagement, and advance officer and public safety at the state, local and tribal levels. (Director Nancy Rodriguez speaks about her vision for NIJ, including her goals to put in place long-lasting changes that 45