Volume 8
The Guardian sensors both “ see ” and “ hear ” those events , process the information and declare a shot alert with certainty to the user . The customizable software embedded in the Guardian solution monitors the Guardian sensors and provides audio and visually relevant alerts , as well as SMS and email notifications for shot alerts and system maintenance warnings to building occupants , emergency personnel and / or local law enforcement . The Guardian solution was designed to connect to existing client security panel via relay output interface . Integration with third-party security systems was paramount to the development of the system . Guardian was designed to be compatible with current security systems , closed circuit surveillance cameras and automated alerting systems . Through its unique hardware design , Guardian can be installed into your existing building infrastructure through a flush wall-mount configuration or in a ceiling structure . The system configuration is fully scalable to the area of coverage desired . Guardian removes the “ human factor ” so that nothing is left to interpretation and costly delays can be avoided .
( Guardian Indoor Active Shooter Detection System made national news when featured in a TODAY Show exclusive on how to survive an office shooting . Courtesy of Shooter Detection Systems and YouTube )
“ We have integrated our system with access control
Oct / Nov 2016 Edition
and mass notification systems to manage where the shooter can move , as well as immediately and continuously updating employees and stakeholders with the shooter ’ s location to significantly mitigate the active shooter threat .” Viewed to be equal in importance to building safety as fire alarms , the Guardian Indoor Active Shooter Detection System has proven to be the industry ’ s premier solution for accurately detecting gunshots and providing precise location information to first responders and security professionals within a second of the first shot . Based on the proven , military-grade capabilities of
its sensors , its success during trials , its zero false alert history , and its inherent ease of integration , Guardian offers the most widely installed and accurate gunshot detection system available in the market . Shooter Detection Systems , is the world leader in indoor gunshot detection technology .
Developed in conjunction with the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency ( DARPA ) and Raytheon , SDS ’ gunshot detection systems utilize the most advanced and proven shooter detection technologies available in the commercial market . SDS is focused on saving lives through the use of proven , military grade technology designed by the world ’ s foremost scientists . The company ’ s technology is currently deployed in schools , Fortune 500 corporations , municipal buildings , court systems , major utilities , manufacturing plants , high-rise office buildings , with upcoming installations in airports , financial institutions , hospitals and government and private buildings . 8