AST May 2018 Magazine Issue Volume 23 | Page 56

The CARVER methodology was developed by US
Volume 23
Special Forces during the Vietnam War to assess target feasibility for US Commanders , and therefore takes an adversary ’ s point of view .
MSHARPP on the other hand was developed during the 90 ’ s and takes the view of the asset holder .
Both methodologies are acronyms for the categories that are evaluated :
• CARVER ( Criticality , Accessibility , Recognizability , Vulnerability , Effect on Population and Recoverability )
• MSHARPP ( Mission , Symbolism , History , Accessibility , Proximity and Population )
Additionally , two other methodologies are covered :
Asset Based Risk Analysis ( ABRA ) which received a Platinum Award for Best Government Security Risk Analysis Methodology in 2017 by Security Today magazine and Critical Asset and Infrastructure Risk Analysis ( CAIRA ).
While ABRA looks at the security posture of a facility , CAIRA addresses the facility ’ s supporting ener-
May 2018 Edition
gy systems ( electricity , natural gas , non-drinking water and steam ).
Students use all four methodologies during the class and assess the physical security attributes of the training venue during practical exercises .
During the final group activity on the last day , students determine what elements make up criticality and develop their own formula for assessment and analysis .


The VAR class is a core curriculum for the award of the Physical Security Engineering designation
Other courses forming the basis of the PSE award / designation are :
• Access Control Concepts and Entry Control Facility Design
• Planning Electronic Security Systems for Buildings and Compounds
• Designing Secure Buildings : Integrating Security Technologies / UFC-Minimum Antiterrorism Standards for DOD Buildings
Critical Asset and Infrastructure Risk Analysis ( CAIRA )