Volume 23
It combines
the power,
May 2018 Edition
speed, and accuracy of
FTIR with a library of over
2,500 narcotics, precur-
sors, cutting agents and
common chemicals.
Target-ID returns identifi-
cation results in a matter
of seconds without dam-
aging or degrading the
To support even greater portability
and to help identify specific substanc-
es, Smiths Detection supplies first re-
sponders with Target-ID.
This infrared handheld chemical identifier
performs chemical analysis on bulk amounts
of unknown solids, liquids, and gels provid-
ing results in approximately one minute.
The results are so accurate
and reliable that they may be
used as court-admissible evi-
Target-ID is a fast, extreme-
ly effective handheld illegal
drug identifier and the first
Fourier Transform Infrared
(FTIR) spectroscopy identi-
fication system developed
specifically to support nar-
cotics interdiction efforts.
(See Smiths Detection Target-ID in Action)