Volume 23
May 2018 Edition
Alertus Alert Beacons, Panic Buttons, Indoor and Outdoor Speakers and LED Marquees.
Alertus also recognizes that organizations may
already have a mass notification system in place.
They have several options available that allow them to
leverage your existing IT assets and facility infrastructure
to cost-effectively deliver reliable, timely notifications.
The Alertus System also monitors and controls a
variety of mass notification appliances, which in-
• Alert Beacons, Panic Buttons, Indoor and Outdoor
Speakers and LED Marquees.
(Alert Beacons® are designed to serve campuses, military bases,
and other large facilities that presently lack an in-building emer-
gency notification system and where retrofitting a conventional
voice public address system is impractical and cost prohibitive.
Alert Beacons are most effective when wall-mounted in promi-
nent locations throughout the facility. In the event of an emer-
gency, these devices flash and sound to capture the attention of
building occupants at a distance and display a custom message
about the nature of the emergency and ho w to respond.)
Alertus Technologies is a pioneer and
market leader of emergency mass no- Alertus Technologies in 2018 ‘ASTORS’
tification systems for large-area, high Homeland Security Awards Program
occupancy facilities.
As an ‘ASTORS’ competitor, Alertus Technol-
Since 2002 Alertus has engineered ground- ogies will be competing against the indus-
try’s leading providers of Innovative Mass
breaking solutions for unified mass notifica- Notification Systems.
tion, in-building notification, outdoor notifi-
To Learn More about the ‘ASTORS’ Homeland Se-
cation, and personal notification.
curity Awards Program, see 2017 ‘ASTORS’ Home-
Alertus solutions have been implemented world- land Security Award Winners Honored at ISC East.
wide by thousands of organizations in multiple
industries for any number of emergency situa- Good luck to Alertus Technologies on becoming
tions, and currently provides notification solu- a Winner of the 2018 American Security Today’s
Homeland Security Program!
tions to over 2,000 customers worldwide.