Volume 23
May 2018 Edition
Alertus Alert Beacon
T he Alertus System is a multimodal, ful-
ly integrated mass notification solution
designed to alert all or select individu-
als by:
ventional voice public address system is impracti-
cal and cost prohibitive.
Easy to install almost anywhere
Powerful, yet cost-effective
Compliant with mass notification code and mandates
Leverage Existing Infrastructure
• Leveraging existing available infrastructure and IT as-
sets for comprehensive coverage
• Integrating all notification assets into one easy-to-use Alertus Leverages Existing Infrastruc-
system with a Single Point of Activation
• Filling any gaps in notification coverage with innova-
tive alerting endpoints
Alertus partners with a wide variety of other mass
Easily And Cost-Effectively Retrofit Ex-
isting Facilities
notification systems and technologies for unpar-
alleled interoperability with other components or
existing infrastructure such as:
The Alertus Alert Beacon is designed to serve • Desktop computers, Digital signage
• PA systems, Fire alarm panels
campuses, military bases, and other large facili- • Speakers, VoIP phones
ties that presently lack an in-building emergency
notification system and where retrofitting a con-