Volume 23
May 2018 Edition
A perimeter protected by a fence-mounted sensor. People approaching the fence are tracked via a video analytic, enabling PTZ
cameras to capture high resolution video of any intrusion attempt.
Integrating Video Analytics with
Perimeter Intrusion Detection Systems
By Justin Schorn, Senstar VP of Product Manage- In addition, given that many sites already
have a surveillance system, video analytics
may also be a cost-effective option.
Adding a perimeter intrusion detection sys-
tem (PIDS) to a site greatly increases its secu- Using reasonably priced HD and thermal cam-
rity and leverages the value of existing assets eras, security professionals can implement a
like security fences and surveillance systems. wide range of video analytics to enhance secu-
With respect to types of systems available, site rity and obtain valuable business intelligence.
owners and system integrators have a wide variety
of technologies to choose from – fence-mounted For example, video analytics can be used to
sensors, microwaves, active IR, and buried RF, to define virtual fences, track people and objects,
and perform face and license plate recognition.
name a few.