AST March 2020 Magazine AST March 2020 Magazine | Page 28 March 2020 - Edition 42 What are some tips for dealing thoughts about a situation. with anxiety about the corona- • In contrast, rational thoughts are accurate and based on facts. facts . virus? If you’re feeling overwhelmed or panicked about the coronavirus, you can take steps to help keep your anxiety controlled. controlled . Keep your news consumption to two to three credible sources for 30 minutes or less per day: • Too much news consumption can make your anxiety worse. • So if you’re feeling over- whelmed by the media cover- age of COVID-19, then make an effort to keep it to a minimum. minimum . • If you notice that you’re anxious at night, avoid the news a few hours before bed. • An example of a rational thought would be: “There is a risk that I could catch the virus. But if I take the recommended pre- cautions, , then I will significant- cautions ly decrease my risk.” • Irrational thoughts foster anxi- ety, while rational thoughts help you view a situation more ac- curately and calmly. Practice at least 5 minutes of re- laxation each day: • Counteract your stress with time spent in relaxation by tak- ing a hot bath, reading a book, or meditating. • If you’re unsure what to do, you can try deep breathing. breathing . Challenge your irrational thoughts • Counteract your stress with time and replace them with facts: facts : spent in relaxation. relaxation . • Irrational thoughts and beliefs • For some people this may mean are untrue or exaggerated taking a hot bath bath, , reading a 28