AST March 2020 Magazine AST March 2020 Magazine | Page 10 March 2020 - Edition 42 See the seven simple onboarding steps to get InformaCast Fusion software up and run- ning. tion device for many remote work- attention with alerts that pop-up over other open applications. ers. Everyone receiving the same com- munication will help combat mis- information and confusion about expectations during the crisis. A notification’s effectiveness is de- termined by how many people it reaches and how quickly it is con- sumed. For some mass notification systems, a similar function can be accom- plished by automatically sending out a conference call invitation to mobile devices. The more an organization can do to ensure that a notification in- terrupts ongoing activities the more likely it is that the informa- tion being communicated will be consumed quickly. Desktop notifications will become another important delivery meth- While not every workforce will od for organizations to grab people’s have access to desktop comput- 10