AST March 2020 Magazine AST March 2020 Magazine | Page 56 March 2020 - Edition 42 (Surgeon General on 'Why' for Social Distancing. Posted on Mar 19, 2020. and bathroom) every day; let a caregiver clean and disinfect high-touch surfaces in com- mon areas, but not your bed- room and bathroom. phones, remote controls, counters, tabletops, door- knobs, bathroom fixtures, toilets, keyboards, tablets, and bedside tables. • If a caregiver or other person • Clean and disinfect areas that needs to clean and disinfect a may have blood, stool, or body sick person’s bedroom or bath- fluids on them. room, they should wear a mask and wait as long as possible • Household cleaners and disin- after the sick person has used fectants: Clean the area or item with soap and water or anoth- the bathroom. er detergent if it is dirty. Then, • High-touch surfaces include use a household disinfectant. 56