AST March 2020 Magazine AST March 2020 Magazine | Page 5
of the biggest obstacles many
organizations are discovering is
the inability to reach all of their
people with vital information.
People need March
to receive
2019 - Edition
consistent information from orga-
nization leaders on what expec-
tations are, how schedules may
The coronavirus outbreak is an change, and whether or not an
organization will require people
ever-evolving situation.
to work remotely.
Restrictions and guidelines are
changing by the hour leaving
many organizations scrabbling for That last item is particularly chal-
how to respond and communi- lenging as reaching people with
cate that response to their peo- updates becomes even more dif-
ficult once people are off-site.
(See how combining the power of mobile and on-premises devices can allow your orga-
nization to reach everyone, every time. Courtesy of Singlewire Software.