AST March 2020 Magazine AST March 2020 Magazine | Page 13
a similar function can be
accomplished by automatically
sending out a conference call in-
vitation to mobile devices.
messages and March
2019 - Edition
tions may be more effective when
organization leaders need recipi-
ents to notice and read messages
as soon as they are sent out.
out .
This can be less time consuming
than manual invitations or calling Because mass notifications can of-
trees, meaning responses
r esponses can be ten be scheduled
scheduled, , organizations
deployed more quickly.
may want to consider sending
daily updates to stay connected
Email is another channel organi- with remote workers.
workers .
zations will want to leverage, but
they should be cautious not to This helps remote workers know
rely too heavily on it as a prima- that organization leaders are ac-
tively monitoring the situation
ry means of communication.
as it develops, but can also help
While mass notification systems reduce the feeling of isolation
can deliver messages as emails workers may feel while being
throughout an organization, stuck at homes.
emails are easy to ignore.
ignore .
Deploying mass notifications on a
When dealing with information regular schedule can get people
that impacts people’s health and in the habit to checking for up-
safety, , organizations need them dates at the right time so every-
to prioritize reading messages.
messages . one can stay on the same page.
Email should be used to supple- While the coronavirus is an ongo-
ment other mass notification ing event, at some point, routines
delivery methods, but SMS text will return to normal.
normal .