AST Magazine January 2018 Digital-jan (1) | Page 29
Volume 19
January 2018 Edition
carried out by ‘lone wolves’ and coordinated
• Cybersecurity breach attacks against our
government agencies, financial institutions
and critical infrastructure facilities
• Unprecedented urban violence
• Cultural shifts and societal media bias, which
make it increasingly difficult to secure our na-
tion in this constantly evolving threat environ-
The 2017 ‘ASTORS’ Homeland Security Awards Presenta-
tion Luncheon
These current circumstances have put forward
another rapid expansion of new ideas, products
and solutions to combat these ever changing
These changes have called for a new generation
of security experts in the Homeland Security and
Public Safety fields who need real time knowl-
edge of our ever growing threats.
These experts include the Government at the
Federal, State and Local levels as well as from
Private Firms specializing in Physical Security,
Port Security, Law Enforcement, First Respond-
ers, Military and Private Security responsible for
implementing coordinated security measures to
ensure our Nation’s Security and improve Public
To highlight the tremendous accomplishments
of agencies and firms receiving this prestigious
award, check out American Security Today’s
2017 December ‘ASTORS’ Champions Edition
– ‘Year in Review.’
Together, each of these entities work together
seamlessly on the front lines of protecting our
communities, to ‘Keep our Nation Secure, One
City at a Time.’
AST focuses on Homeland Security and Pub-
lic Safety Breaking News, the Newest Initiatives
and Hottest Technologies in Physical & IT Secu-
rity, essential to meeting today’s growing secu-
rity challenges.
Since 1980, PROTECH has been designing,
manufacturing and marketing perimeter intru-
sion detection systems to protect personnel,
property and assets at sensitive sites.
PROTECH manufactures systems that give
early warning of potential threats at the perim-
eter, for example, detecting an intruder before
they are able to access a building or facility.