AST Magazine February 2018 final-feb-2018 | Page 30

Volume 20
February 2018 Edition
DroneGun Tactical Highly effective , portable drone countermeasure against a wide range of drone models .
Features of New DroneGun Tactical Include :
• No backpack required - the product is entirely self contained within the rifle body , while maintaining lightweight and long effective range ( over 1km )
• The addition of 433Mhz and 915Mhz frequencies , to ensure complete effectiveness across drone models
• Ergonomic body and controls
• Further alignment with standard military specifications , including standardized NATO military battery power .
The Company continues to conduct ongoing Research & Development across its product portfolio , and in Q4 2017 received an Australian Government R & D Tax Incentive award of approximately $ 200,000 , as set out in the 4C for the period .
leadership brings world-class expertise in engineering and physics , combined with deep experience in defense , intelligence , and aerospace .
* DroneGun Tactical has not been authorized as required by the United States Federal Communications Commission ( FCC ). This device is not , and may not be , offered for sale or lease , or sold or leased , in the United States , other than to the United States government and its agencies , until such authorization is obtained .
* The use of DroneGun Tactical in the United States by other persons or entities , including state or local government agencies , is prohibited by federal law . Laws limiting the availability of DroneGun Tactical to certain types of users may apply in other jurisdictions , and any sales will be conducted only in compliance with the applicable laws .
DroneShield provides protection against drones threatening safety , security and privacy .
Their state of the art detection and countermeasure products aid your security force against the significant and growing threats that drone technology makes possible .
( See the DroneGun MKII in Action . Courtesy of DroneShield and YouTube . Posted on Jun 12 , 2017 )
Based in Sydney , Australia and Virginia , USA , DroneShield ’ s 28